well let me see how i can irritate you as much as i fucking can
u r such a fuckin neo nazi, u will n3v3r hav a gf cuz ur so fuckin stupid u would prob mistak3 teh pedifile across teh str33t f0r a nic3 ice cr3am man. then y0u will accidentily drive into teh getto nd start shoutin as many black j0k3s as fuckin p0ssibl3. th3n were red nd start throwin teh bl00dz gang sign so they gonna kill you you FATHERFUCKIG ASSH0LE
nd ur such a moron
beng emo duznt mean u cut ur self
dat a steriotype
i hope it gets run over repeativly by numerous trucks and vans
The-Condor (Updated )
Don't you have some headbanging to shitty music and cutting yourself to attend to?
Also: lol, aren't you obsessive? Checking my blog and news-post everyday so you can continue to whore for attention, Pathetic emo faggot, Go cut yourself and die in a hole.