after about a week of not trolling anyone i was like "Fuck it" and this is what happend, I posted this comment on chat-fag (man) 's page:
Lol, are you seriously trying to pull "noob" off as a good insult? Wow, And MY insults are supposed to be shit? Oh wait, their not shit, they just fly RIGHT over your head because your all just retarded 11 year old CoD4 players... well actualy your 12, Yes, your brother told me chat-fag ;)
Also its "douche" not "doosh" you sound like a 5th grader that got ahold of a computer and acted like tough shit.
Also: AHAHAH, nice job deleting the comment that owned you annd banning me.
(old alt, i have had this for awhile, just cutting off more oppertuinies for your retards.
You see, Chat-Man has turned emo and homosexual with his /b/tard faggot of a friend and now is spreading his faggotry all over, he has banned me and deleted the comment a shit load of times, further proveing he is, indeed, a butthurt faggot.
EDIT: Yep, hes just deleting my comments now, All im doing is exposing the truth about him being a homo emo retard.
EDIT: LOLOLOLOL, Hes calling ME a stalker when He is coming to MY PAGE to talk to ME. Then he treatens to contact a mod, OOOHHH im SCARED, And the mod will say "ban him from your userpage" thats it.
I'm not a homo and I'm not emo, what's your problem? you WANT me to be homo or something?
The-Condor (Updated )
Just exposing the truth mah boi.
Also: ROFL, Quit deleting my comments you stupid emo twat.